Home fry from a nice guy

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

And then there was light

I was reading Genesis this morning. It's not the first time I have read it, nor will it be the last. Something struck me about it however. God said, "Let there be light". This would imply that before light, there was only darkness. However, if God is light, then how could there have been darkness? Of course, perhaps when we say God is light, we don't mean that God is physical light, but rather the metaphysical light.

besides, it's not like God was living in physical darkness, such a statement would have no meaning, unless of course God had to use the same eye's that we do, which need light in order to see. However, I sincerely doubt that the God of the universe requires eyes like ours in order to see clearly. In which case there would have been no need for physical light. No, that light was for our sake. It was given to us as a gift. However, it was not the only light that was given to us as a gift and nor was it the most important light that was given to us as a gift.

No, the true light that we need to live, not just in this life but for eternity, was Jesus Christ who came and died for our sins so that we might have life and have it abundantly. This is a life that has true light, which sustains us beyond our mere physical bodies.

blessings to you today. may you receive the light of Jesus today and walk in it with Him.


  • You know what strikes me as strange about the Genesis account of creation...and it also deals with light as your post does. God creates light first, then the sun and stars later. So, I wonder what the source of the light was when he first created it. Was just floating by and felt like tossing that out. Have a great day!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 4:11 PM  

  • God created man without creating parents for the man so I think he could create an ambient light without necessarily having a source for that light.

    By Blogger Brandon Starr, at 12:02 AM  

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